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in Examples, Exercises and Projects by (562 points)
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  1. What is recursion? 
  • Its definition
  • examples
  • Characterisitics 
  • Its disadvanatges and advantages
  1. Factorial of a number.
  2. Fibonacci Sequence .

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Recursion in Python

  • Is one of the most powerful tools in a programming language.
  • It is defined as defining anything in turns of itself.
  • It is used to solved problems involving iteration(multiple education), in reverse order. Iteration loop statements, helps a programmer to carry out certain task a known times or as long as the desired condition is true.
  • If a function refers itself, i. e. call itself, it is said to be a recursive function.
  • A function contain either a call statement to itself or a call statement to a second function, which again call back, the original function.
  • The first type is known as direct recursion and second type is known as indirect recursion.

For a function to be recursive, it must have the following two properties:

  • There must be a base criteria for with the function does not call itself.
  • Each time a function calls itself, must be closer to the base criteria.
  • The function with this two properties is set to be a well define function.
  • When a function calls itself recursively, it is known as recursion. 

Types of recursion:

  • Recursion are  of  four  types.
  • Direct Recursion
  • Indirect Recursion
  • Tail Recursion
  • Non-Tail Recursion

Direct Recursion:

  • The recursion in which the function calls itself is called direct recursion. In this type, only one function is involved. 

Indirect Recursion:

  • The recursion in which two function calls each other is known as indirect recursion. 

Tail Recursion:

  • A Recursive function is called tail recursive if recursive is the last thing done by function,there is no need  to keep record of previous state.

Non-Tail Recursion:

  • A recursive function is called non-tail recursive if recursive is not the last thing done by function ,there is no need to keep record of previous state.

Advantages of recursion

  • Recursion provides logical simplicity to an iterative statement .
  • It also provide self documentation of recursive programme.
  • It made the code look more simpler and effective.
  • Complex function can be further split into various smaller sub-problems .

Drawback’s of Recursion

  • A recursive solution to a problem is more expensive than a non-recursive solution.
  • Recursive solution takes more time and also occupies greater memory space.
  • More space is reallocated.
  • Debugging is very difficult.

Implementation of recursion

In general, there are two approaches to writing repetitive algorithms. One is with use of iteration. The other uses recursion.


Suppose P is a procedure containing either a call statement to itself or a call statement to a second procedure that may eventually result in a call statement back to the original procedure P. Then, P is called recursive procedure. So, program will not continue to run indefinitely, a recursive procedure must have following two properties:

  • There must be certain criteria, called base criteria for which procedure does not call itself.
  • Each time the procedure does call itself, it must be closer to base criteria.
  • A function is said to be recursively defined if function definition refers to itself. It must have following two properties:
  • There must be certain arguments , called base values, for which function does not refer to itself.
  • Each time function does refer to itself, the argument of function must be closer to base value.

  1. Factorial Function:

factorial function

Product of positive integers from 1 to n, inclusive is called “ n factorial” and is denoted by n! .

n! =1.2.3… .. .. (n-1) (n-1) n

0! =1, 1! =1, 2! =1.2=2, 3! =1.2.3=6, 4! =

n! =n.(n-1)!


#recursive function

def factorial(k):

if( k==1):

  return 1


  return k*factorial(k-1)

#user input


if num<0:

 print("enter positive number")

elif num==0:

 print("factoial of 0 is 1")


print("factorial of ",num," ",end=" ")



Factorial of 4 =24

  1. Fibonacci sequence

fibonacci sequence

The celebrated Fibonacci sequence is 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,24,34,55…….

That is f0=0 and f1=1 and each succeding term is sum of two preceding terms, the next two terms of sequence are:

34+55=89 and 55+89=144


#recursive function

def fib(n):

   if (n<=1):

       return n




if n_terms <=0:

  print("enter positive value")


print("fib sequence:")

for i in range(n_terms):

    print fib(i)


fib sequence:










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