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in Practice & Doubts by (302 points)
I am doing online summer training in C programming from Goeduhub Technologies. I am here to express my day to day activity.

20 Answers

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by (302 points)
Date- 16/05/2020

Module- functions

In today's session I have learnt about functions it's types, uses, declaration, advantages and disadvantages.
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by (302 points)
Date- 16/05/2020

Module- Practice questions and answers based on functions

In today's session I have learnt how to solve questions and find it's answer based on functions.
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by (302 points)
Date- 17/05/2020

Module- pointer

In today's session I have learnt about pointer it's advantages, disadvantages, initialisation, declaration and it's types.
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by (302 points)
Date- 17/05/2020

Module- practice questions and answers based on pointer

In today's session I have learnt how to solve questions and find it's answer based on pointer.
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by (302 points)
Date- 18/05/2020

Module- string

In today's session I have learnt about string it's initialisation, declaration and function of string.
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by (302 points)
Date- 18/05/2020

Module- Practice questions and answers based on string

In today's session I have learnt how to solve questions and find answers based on string.
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by (302 points)
Date- 19/05/2020

Module- structure and union

In today's session I have learnt about structure it's declaration it's advantages and disadvantages. Union it's declaration, advantages, disadvantages.
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by (302 points)
Date- 19/05/2020

Module- practice questions and answers based on structure and union

In today's session I have learnt how to solve questions and find it's answer based on structure and union.
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by (302 points)
Date- 20/05/2020

Module- File handling

In today's session I have learnt about file handling and it's functions.
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by (302 points)
Date- 20/05/2020

Module- practice questions and answers based on file handling

In today's session I have learnt how to solve questions and find it's answer based on file handling.
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