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in Free E-books for Professionals by Goeduhub's Expert (2.9k points)

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by Goeduhub's Expert (2.9k points)
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Download Microsoft SQL Server E-book free Click Here

The Microsoft® SQL Server® Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow. Text content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA. See credits at the end of this book whom contributed to the various chapters. Images may be copyright of their respective owners unless otherwise specified

Book created for educational purposes and is not affiliated with Microsoft® SQL Server® group(s), company(s) nor Stack Overflow. All trademarks belong to their respective company owners


  1. Getting started with Microsoft SQL Server

  2. Data Types
  3. Converting data types
  4. User Defined Table Types
  5. SELECT statement
  6. Alias Names in SQL Server
  7. NULLs
  8. Variables
  9. Dates
  10. Generating a range of dates
  11. Database Snapshots
  13. IF…ELSE
  14. CASE Statement
  16. MERGE
  19. UNION
  21. WHILE loop
  22. OVER Clause
  23. GROUP BY
  24. ORDER BY
  25. The STUFF Function
  26. JSON in SQL Server
  28. FOR JSON
  29. Queries with JSON data
  30. Storing JSON in SQL tables
  31. Modify JSON text
  33. Join
  34. cross apply
  35. Computed Columns
  36. Common Table Expressions
  37. Move and copy data around tables
  38. Limit Result Set
  39. Retrieve Information about your Instance
  40. With Ties Option
  41. String Functions
  42. Logical Functions
  43. Aggregate Functions
  44. String Aggregate functions in SQL Server
  45. Ranking Functions
  46. Window functions
  48. Dynamic SQL Pivot
  49. Partitioning
  50. Stored Procedures
  51. Retrieve information about the database
  52. Split String function in SQL Server
  53. Insert
  54. Primary Keys
  55. Foreign Keys
  56. Last Inserted Identity
  58. Sequences
  59. Index
  60. Full-Text Indexing
  61. Trigger
  62. Cursors
  63. Transaction isolation levels
  64. Advanced options
  65. Migration
  66. Table Valued Parameters
  67. DBMAIL
  68. In-Memory OLTP (Hekaton)
  69. Temporal Tables
  70. Use of TEMP Table
  71. Scheduled Task or Job
  72. Isolation levels and locking
  73. Sorting/ordering rows
  74. Privileges or Permissions
  75. SQLCMD
  76. Resource Governor
  77. File Group
  78. Basic DDL Operations in MS SQL Server
  79. Subqueries
  80. Pagination
  82. Parsename
  83. Installing SQL Server on Windows
  84. Analyzing a Query
  85. Query Hints
  86. Query Store
  87. Querying results by page
  88. Schemas
  89. Backup and Restore Database
  90. Transaction handling
  91. Natively compiled modules (Hekaton)
  92. Spatial Data
  93. Dynamic SQL
  94. Dynamic data masking
  95. Export data in txt file by using SQLCMD
  96. Common Language Runtime Integration
  97. Delimiting special characters and reserved words
  98. DBCC
  99. BULK Import
  100. Service broker
  101. Permissions and Security
  102. Database permissions
  103. Row-level security
  104. Encryption
  105. PHANTOM read
  106. Filestream
  107. bcp (bulk copy program) Utility
  108. SQL Server Evolution through different versions (2000–2016)
  109. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  110. Managing Azure SQL Database
  111. System database — TempDb
  112. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Shortcut Keys

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